Laurie Havelock HirtleAge: 76 years1908–1985
- Name
- Laurie Havelock Hirtle
- Given names
- Laurie Havelock
- Surname
- Hirtle
Birth | June 13, 1908 42 23 |
Marriage | Hazel Isabella Halliday — View this family yes |
Birth of a brother | Lester LeRoy Hirtle October 5, 1910 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Frederick Hirtle September 6, 1912 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Flossie Arline Hirtle December 14, 1912 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Merlin Gerald Hirtle May 12, 1916 (Age 7 years) Source: Obituary |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Louisa Matilda “Lucy” Beck June 15, 1917 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a brother | Murray Lorimer Hirtle January 13, 1920 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | James Lawrence Hirtle about 1932 (Age 23 years) Source: Obituary |
Birth of a son #2 | Roy Freeman Hirtle 1933 (Age 24 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Birth of a son #3 | John Marshall “Jack” Hirtle about 1937 (Age 28 years) Source: Obituary |
Birth of a son #4 | Howard A. Hirtle about 1942 (Age 33 years) Source: Obituary |
Death of a father | Howard Freeman Hirtle April 23, 1944 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a half-sister | Mary Agnes Hirtle October 30, 1950 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a half-brother | Judson Stanley Hirtle October 15, 1972 (Age 64 years) |
Death of a son | Roy Freeman Hirtle April 18, 1973 (Age 64 years) |
Death of a half-brother | Eldridge Hirtle before December 1976 (Age 68 years) Note: Information from the obituary of his stepmother, Ella Mae Hirtle.
Death of a mother | Ella May Wile December 13, 1976 (Age 68 years) Source: Obituary Text: |
Death of a brother | Merlin Gerald Hirtle December 2, 1978 (Age 70 years) Source: Obituary Text: |
Death of a half-brother | Lorenzo Hirtle May 3, 1980 (Age 71 years) |
Death | 1985 (Age 76 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Burial | Cemetery: Millbrook Cemetery Source: Find A Grave Text: |
Family with parents |
father |
Howard Freeman Hirtle Birth: about 1866 35 21 Death: April 23, 1944 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
mother |
Ella May Wile Birth: about 1885 — Hemford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: December 13, 1976 — Nineveh, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
elder sister |
Myrtle Viola Hirtle Birth: April 28, 1907 41 22 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: November 15, 2003 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
14 months himself |
Laurie Havelock Hirtle Birth: June 13, 1908 42 23 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 1985 |
2 years younger brother |
Lester LeRoy Hirtle Birth: October 5, 1910 44 25 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: November 20, 1990 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
2 years younger sister |
Flossie Arline Hirtle Birth: December 14, 1912 46 27 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: before November 2003 |
3 years younger brother |
Merlin Gerald Hirtle Birth: May 12, 1916 50 31 Death: December 2, 1978 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
4 years younger brother |
Murray Lorimer Hirtle Birth: January 13, 1920 54 35 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 2009 |
sister |
Private |
Father’s family with Seretha A. Selig |
father |
Howard Freeman Hirtle Birth: about 1866 35 21 Death: April 23, 1944 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
step-mother |
Seretha A. Selig Birth: about 1872 — Bakers Settlement, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 1905 |
Marriage: December 11, 1889 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
5 months half-sister |
Mary Agnes Hirtle Birth: May 20, 1890 24 18 Death: October 30, 1950 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
3 years half-brother |
Lorenzo Hirtle Birth: May 10, 1893 27 21 Death: May 3, 1980 — Athol, , Massachusetts, USA |
1 year half-brother |
Judson Stanley Hirtle Birth: May 24, 1894 28 22 Death: October 15, 1972 — Hemford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
3 years half-brother |
Eldridge Hirtle Birth: November 24, 1896 30 24 Death: before December 1976 |
3 years half-sister |
Lillian Vans Hirtle Birth: March 26, 1900 34 28 Death: before November 1990 |
2 years half-brother |
Ernest Hirtle Birth: May 1902 36 30 Death: before November 1990 |
13 months half-sister |
Alma Dale Hirtle Birth: May 22, 1903 37 31 — Bakers Settlement, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: May 30, 1994 — Cambridge, , Massachusetts, USA |
2 years half-sister |
Euda May Hirtle Birth: November 3, 1905 39 33 — Bakers Settlement, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: before November 1990 |
Family with Hazel Isabella Halliday |
himself |
Laurie Havelock Hirtle Birth: June 13, 1908 42 23 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 1985 |
wife |
Hazel Isabella Halliday Birth: about 1914 — Millbrook, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: November 14, 1996 — New Glasgow, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Marriage: — |
son |
James Lawrence Hirtle Birth: about 1932 23 18 — West Clifford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: January 31, 2008 — New Glasgow, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
2 years son |
Roy Freeman Hirtle Birth: 1933 24 19 Death: April 18, 1973 — Mill Brook, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
5 years son |
John Marshall “Jack” Hirtle Birth: about 1937 28 23 — Millbrook, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: January 31, 1998 — Riverton, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
6 years son |
Howard A. Hirtle Birth: about 1942 33 28 Death: May 3, 2006 — Millbrook, Pictou Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Birth | Province of Nova Scotia Registry of Births |
Death | Headstone Inscription |
Burial | Find A Grave Text: |