Dorothy Pearl HirtleAge: 77 years1905–1983
- Name
- Dorothy Pearl Hirtle
- Given names
- Dorothy Pearl
- Surname
- Hirtle
Birth | June 1905 39 23 Source: 1911 Census of Canada |
Birth of a sister | Grace Estelle Hirtle about 1907 (Age 19 months) |
Death of a mother | Lois Estella Wambolt May 20, 1908 (Age 2 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Marriage of a parent | Dean Solomon Hirtle — Emily May Fancy — View this family August 21, 1912 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | James Brenton Hirtle February 22, 1914 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a sister | Alice Hirtle February 25, 1919 (Age 13 years) |
Marriage | William Freeman Roy Leary — View this family November 8, 1933 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a father | Dean Solomon Hirtle April 23, 1942 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a sister | Grace Estelle Hirtle 1968 (Age 62 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Death of a husband | William Freeman Roy Leary 1972 (Age 66 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Death | 1983 (Age 77 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Burial | Cemetery: Wesley United Church Cemetery Source: Lunenburg County Burial Index |
Family with parents |
father |
Dean Solomon Hirtle Birth: November 30, 1865 34 30 Death: April 23, 1942 — Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
mother |
Lois Estella Wambolt Birth: May 12, 1882 Death: May 20, 1908 |
Marriage: February 18, 1901 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
1 year elder sister |
Alice Hirtle Birth: February 1902 36 19 Death: February 25, 1919 |
3 years herself |
Dorothy Pearl Hirtle Birth: June 1905 39 23 Death: 1983 |
3 years younger sister |
Grace Estelle Hirtle Birth: about 1907 41 24 — Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 1968 |
Father’s family with Emily May Fancy |
father |
Dean Solomon Hirtle Birth: November 30, 1865 34 30 Death: April 23, 1942 — Petite Riviere, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
step-mother |
Emily May Fancy Birth: about 1879 34 27 Death: July 13, 1962 — Conquerall Mills, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Marriage: August 21, 1912 — Hebbville, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Family with William Freeman Roy Leary |
husband |
William Freeman Roy Leary Birth: 1887 Death: 1972 |
herself |
Dorothy Pearl Hirtle Birth: June 1905 39 23 Death: 1983 |
Marriage: November 8, 1933 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |