Paul Emery FaulkenhamAge: 98 years1896–1994
- Name
- Paul Emery Faulkenham
- Given names
- Paul Emery
- Surname
- Faulkenham
Birth | 1896 Source: Headstone Inscription |
Marriage | Mary Agnes Hirtle — View this family after April 1911 (Age 15 years) Source: 1911 Census of Canada Citation details: Upper LaHave, Lunenburg County, page 14 Note: The 1911 Census shows William and Agnes to be still married.
Death of a wife | Mary Agnes Hirtle October 30, 1950 (Age 54 years) |
Death | July 13, 1994 (Age 98 years) Source: Obituary Text: |
Burial | Cemetery: St. Matthew's Anglican Cemetery (Rhodes Corner) Source: Lunenburg County Burial Index |
Family with Mary Agnes Hirtle |
himself |
Paul Emery Faulkenham Birth: 1896 Death: July 13, 1994 — Mahone Bay, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
wife |
Mary Agnes Hirtle Birth: May 20, 1890 24 18 Death: October 30, 1950 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Marriage: after April 1911 — |
William J. Faulkenham + Mary Agnes Hirtle |
wife’s husband |
William J. Faulkenham Birth: about 1886 — Dayspring, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
wife |
Mary Agnes Hirtle Birth: May 20, 1890 24 18 Death: October 30, 1950 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Marriage: March 13, 1908 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Birth | Headstone Inscription |
Marriage | 1911 Census of Canada Citation details: Upper LaHave, Lunenburg County, page 14 |
Death | Obituary Text: |
Burial | Lunenburg County Burial Index |
Marriage | The 1911 Census shows William and Agnes to be still married. |