Alice Rhoda HirtleAge: 78 years1914–1992
- Name
- Alice Rhoda Hirtle
- Given names
- Alice Rhoda
- Surname
- Hirtle
Birth | 1914 19 17 Source: Headstone Inscription |
Marriage of parents | Judson Stanley Hirtle — Hannah Agnes Veinot — View this family February 3, 1914 |
Birth of a sister | Merle Rita Hirtle December 1, 1918 (Age 4 years) |
Marriage | Rennie Thornton Conrad — View this family June 20, 1942 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Howard Freeman Hirtle April 23, 1944 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a father | Judson Stanley Hirtle October 15, 1972 (Age 58 years) |
Death of a husband | Rennie Thornton Conrad June 20, 1987 (Age 73 years) Source: Obituary Text: |
Death of a mother | Hannah Agnes Veinot 1987 (Age 73 years) Source: Headstone Inscription |
Death | October 10, 1992 (Age 78 years) Source: Obituary Citation details: The Chronicle-Herald, 12 October 1992 |
Burial | Cemetery: Trinity Lutheran Cemetery Source: Lunenburg County Burial Index |
Family with parents |
father |
Judson Stanley Hirtle Birth: May 24, 1894 28 22 Death: October 15, 1972 — Hemford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
mother |
Hannah Agnes Veinot Birth: about 1897 — Hemford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: 1987 |
Marriage: February 3, 1914 — New Germany, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
11 months herself |
Alice Rhoda Hirtle Birth: 1914 19 17 Death: October 10, 1992 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
5 years younger sister |
Merle Rita Hirtle Birth: December 1, 1918 24 21 — Hemford, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN Death: July 10, 2005 — Lunenburg, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Family with Rennie Thornton Conrad |
husband |
Rennie Thornton Conrad Birth: 1912 Death: June 20, 1987 — New Germany, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
herself |
Alice Rhoda Hirtle Birth: 1914 19 17 Death: October 10, 1992 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Marriage: June 20, 1942 — Bridgewater, Lunenburg Co., Nova Scotia, CAN |
Birth | Headstone Inscription |
Marriage | Province of Nova Scotia Marriage Registry |
Death | Obituary Citation details: The Chronicle-Herald, 12 October 1992 |
Burial | Lunenburg County Burial Index |